Friday, October 1, 2010


I just wanted to thank everyone for "Following" my little blog. I know Google Reader has limited space to quickly display updates, so thanks for spending some of that front space on my stuff. Thank you especially to Josh Shock and my mother and wife for most recently following and to Chris and Bill for your comments. I'll try to keep you all entertained and wishing you were out fishing!


  1. Will
    Your blog is one of the main blogs I follow, because all of your post is so interesting. An example of interesting is the great post concerning you and Chris on your recent outing. I got into blogging because I just wanted to be able to communicate with other fisherman that has the same interest as me and in your blog I have found it. Keep putting out those great post.

  2. What a great blog and I am glad I stopped by...Have a wonderful Day..

  3. Thanks, Bill for your continued interest. I feel the same way about you and your blog!

    Jason, thanks for finding it and for following! Stop by often; I try to update every few days or so.
